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Jacky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

知見心理學每月一信 恰克 2011年04月  的叮嚀 

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Jacky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大天使麥可20112月訊息--Celia Fenn

和諧調校: 到最進化的躍昇之中

Jacky 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

By now you should be getting a feel for what is taking place in your world. If ever you wanted proof that the mass consciousness is a powerful tool, you only have to register how many countries are under pressure for change. It seems to make no difference as to how powerful the rulers are; eventually the people get their way. Sometimes it is not achieved without violence, but even although they are often ill equipped the people still succeed. Materialism cannot continue, as it is unable to move forward with the higher vibrations of Ascension. Therefore financial changes are most likely to be the most far reaching. In a future time money will no longer be used because it will become unnecessary. Creating wealth will not be the focal point as it is now, because sharing will become normal, and no one will seek more than they need. There will be an entirely new mindset that puts others first, until everyone has a fair share of the benefits of all labors. Work will not in fact occupy you to the extent it does now, and more than ample time will be available to follow more leisurely pursuits. You were never meant to be the slaves of those corporations that demand so much from their workers.


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