

My dear friends, we love you so very much. 



天堂儼然存在,就在 這裏,就是現在,親愛的,它就在你們的地球上。它並不是遙遠的國度。它也並不是涅槃與冥想的狀態,雖然你們一些人將以那種方式得到。它並不是一個只服務那 些已經得到造物主眷顧的人才能有資格居住的地方,而你們每個人都沒有得到造物主的愛。當然不是,它以其純然的本質自由的給予。你們都是相同與平等的。價值 觀在造物主的眼裏沒有任何意義。難道這潺潺小溪值得彙入河流,隨後湧入大海,就不是它們設計的部分麼?


Living 'in' heaven is a choice. It is a choice to celebrate the miracles of life around you. You can see! You can hear! You can touch one another and feel with your very delicate and beautiful skin. You can witness the flight of the birds, hear the rustle in the trees, smell the freshly cut grass, and taste of the earth's bounty. Everywhere you look, everything you feel, everything you hear or see, or taste is a part of God's love for you. Heaven is found by looking at the many ways in which you are loved, at the myriad of ways in which your life does work. Even if you are not happy at all with your present conditions, you can find things to celebrate! You can dream your dreams.


生活在天堂只需要一個選擇。這就是一個選擇-- 慶祝圍繞在你們身邊的所有生命奇跡。你們可以看到!!你們可以聽到!!你們能夠互相觸摸,感覺你們非常精妙與美麗的皮膚。你們能夠見證這鳥兒們的飛翔,聆 聽風吹樹木產生的沙沙聲,聞覺草地的清新氣味,品嘗地球母親的慷慨贈與。每處你看到的地方,每件你感受的事物,每樣你聽到或者看到的,或者品嘗到的,都是 造物主給予你深深的愛。天堂存在於你以多樣化的方式去看待你所鍾愛的一切,以無數的方式讓你的生活變得新鮮。就算你完全的不開心,對你當前的情況不滿意, 你也依舊能夠找到可以慶祝的事情!你能夢想你期待的一切。


We honor your human desires and yet, why oh why we wonder would you put off your bliss because your current life does not reflect some mythical criteria of success? If you had nothing, and believed in God's love for you, you would exist in heaven and find a great abundance of love surrounding you. The birds do not have a bank account. The field mice do not worry about their rent! And yet they are fed, housed, sheltered, and cared for. And when their lives end dear ones, they do not bemoan the fact that they did not achieve all they thought they should for instead they have lived one day, one moment at a time, grateful for the abundance around them.


我們尊重你們人類的 願望,但是我們想知道為何你們要放棄你們的福佑,難道僅僅因為你們的生活完全沒有映襯出一些神話般的成功條件麼?如果你一無所有,卻相信造物主深愛著你, 你就能生活在天堂,在你周圍的一切事物中找到巨大富足的愛。鳥兒們並不需要為了銀行帳戶而發愁。田鼠也完全不會擔心它們的房租問題!而且它們也被很好的餵 養,有房子,受到庇護,得到關愛。親愛的,當它們生命終結的時候,它們也完全不會惋惜於自己沒有得到所有它們應該在某天得到並生活的一切,它們每時每刻都 感恩圍繞在它們身邊所給予的豐饒。


We know that as human beings you want what you want, and there is nothing wrong with this. But do not put off your joy! Do not put off enjoying the miraculous nature of life around you for any reason whatsoever. Heaven can be yours right now if you choose to see the love of God surrounding you in this very moment. As you do so, you feel abundant inside, and you will attract all you need and want externally as a result. Heaven on earth is certainly not a feeling of lack, but rather an experience of contentment "now" even with a desire for growth and expansion.


我們知道,作為人類 的存有你們希望得到想要的一切,對於這些想法並沒有錯。但是千萬不要放棄你的喜悅!不論以任何的原因都不要放棄去享受這圍繞在你們身邊的大自然生命的奇 跡。天堂能夠成為你們的,就在此刻,如果你選擇去發現圍繞你身邊的造物主的愛,在每個時刻。只要你這麼去做,你就會感受到內在的豐饒,你們就會吸引到你需 要和希望的外在一切作為其結果。地球上的天堂當然不是一種欠缺的感受,而是一種【滿足於當下一切】的體驗,甚至伴隨著一種成長與擴展的意願。


Take a moment. Look around. See God's love everywhere - in the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures around you; in the eyes of a loved one, or better yet, in your very own eyes as you look in the mirror. God is everywhere. Love is everywhere. Don't deprive yourself of what is already yours, already here, already available in every given moment.




God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels





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